IF you have a coffee shop with a long queue you are going to lose!!

IF you have a coffee shop with a long queue you are going to lose!!

Something that busy people or "high value" people value more than any level of money, is their time! this is due to the fact that money ( when you understand how it works ) is truly unlimited! However, your time and your time and energy aren't!

Like many businesses, I have my "go-to" coffee shops, have you ever stopped and considered why? that coffee shop is your go-to, personally for me it comes down to :

Speed/level of customer service - It should be an incredibly enjoyable experience that is done in an efficient matter!

Of course, the level of the queue ( people waiting ) matters, as a customer I made a really quick judgment call, how long is going to take for me to get the product, I am here to buy! and see if I am willing to wait that long for it or not!

All of the above is what I talk about customers being "value" sensitive not price sensitive! ( many thanks to Reza Hooda FCA CTA for this line by the way )

WHY Does your client or customer give a shit about you?

SO it turns out that talking to new people is still scary!!!