WHY Does your client or customer give a shit about you?

WHY Does your client or customer give a shit about you?

Marketing is really easy when you understand that if you don't fix someone's challenge or problem or pain point, then they shouldn't give you any time or attention.

Nowadays, social media is soooo loud, and let's be honest 95% of the content is shit... something I help my coaching clients with, is making sure the words you are going to write or say, Are going to talk to the RIGHT person, but also help position YOU as the ONLY solution to their pain points!

Firstly you know need to get the level of truly understanding what you do! followed by having the self-confidence to go to market with it. “You don't become confident by shouting affirmations in the mirror, but by having a stack of undeniable proof that you are who you say you are. Outwork your self-doubt.”


IF you have a coffee shop with a long queue you are going to lose!!